Mind Body Spirit.fm Provides a Collective Voice for Good
One of our new listeners said she found podcasts she didn’t even know she needed. We like that! We want to offer hope, ideas, and new ways of thinking from creative thinkers, teachers and visionaries.
People today are facing unprecedented events, perhaps never seen simultaneously at one time in their lifetimes. Everyone needs an escape from the news from time to time, needs good news in bad times, needs reminders of helpful and hopeful practices.
So that’s what we built: a curated network of podcasts that offer hope, self-care, ways to handle change, ways to connect with mentors and guides, and opportunities to connect with timely resources and messages.
Have you ever wished you could talk to a loved one who has passed? Or want to know what your pets are trying to tell you? Would you like to talk to your Angels? Would you like to learn how others have recovered from severe mental illnesses? Have you ever wondered how you can talk to your Spirit Animals? Do you sometimes get down and need to be reminded of tools that can help you get through a tough time? Are you interested in contemporary spirituality?
Then, please explore our shows. We bet you find something you never knew you needed.
Launched by long time radio professional and content creator Diane Ray and marketing and advertising executive Tina Williamson, Mind Body Spirit.fm is building a podcast community of Mind + Body + Spirit leaders and teachers to provide messages of inspiration.

Diane Ray is a radio professional with over 30 years of radio and podcasting experience. Starting at WSHE in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at the age of 19 for their Amateur Hour, Ray started a longtime career as an on-air broadcaster working in Miami, Florida, Austin, Texas, and Jacksonville, Florida and eventually in San Diego working for the legendary KGB-FM Radio. In San Diego, a dream came true of combining a lifelong interest in spirituality and metaphysics with broadcasting and digital media when she joined Hay House Publishing working for Louise Hay and was the Network Manager and Producer of Hay House Radio. Ray was able to work with and interview legendary New Thought and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Gregg Braden and many others. She helped grow that network to over 2 Million visitors a year. Following that she became the Director of Programming for Unity Online Radio. She increased engagement bringing new audiences to the Unity message by adding new talent and programming to the livestream shows, building the podcast network allowing hundreds of thousands of downloads of the programs, and implementing a sponsorship program.

Tina Williamson is a marketing and advertising professional and entrepreneur, who loves to bring new ideas to market. She has 35+ years of entrepreneurial and business experience working with known blue-chip brands as well as innovative start-ups. She has held leadership positions in advertising agencies, Internet startups, and non-profits. Williamson worked for GSD&M Advertising on blue-chip national accounts including Southwest Airlines, The Wall Street Journal, Chili’s Grill & Bar, Coors Brewing Company and many others. Williamson was VP Marketing for Broadcast.com, the leading aggregator and broadcaster of streaming media audio and video programming on the Internet at the time. Duties included marketing, public relations, developing sponsorships and sales packages and website and channel development She served in that capacity, reporting directly to the founders Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner, through its successful IPO and up to its sale to Yahoo for $5.7 Billion.
If you are a podcaster, would you like to join us on this journey? Mind Body Spirit.fm is looking for the best podcast content providers in the areas of Mind + Body + Spirit. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us.