Living With Intention

Working from the inside out to promote wellbeing

April Wyett is a wellness advocate, passionate about assisting others on their healing journey. Now more than ever people are experiencing a disconnect and feel locked out, uncertain about themselves and the world. April created Living With Intention to guide you to explore different modalities of wellness, from mindfulness and the power of thought to understanding the mind-body connection, which allows you to connect to yourSelf, the deeper part of you to unlock your potential to living a happier and healthier life.

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About the host

April Wyett

April Wyett is an energy intuitive and a wellness advocate who specializes in connecting with others to support them on their healing journey.

During the 10 years living in Japan, April became aware of her gifts and upon her return to the U.S., she started her studies with Reiki. In 2017 Living With Intention was founded, and since then April has assisted others internationally with her skillsets.

Now, April travels across the nation sharing information and insights about how to heal from the inside out by applying mindfulness, body awareness, and meditation to connect on a deeper level to promote wellbeing.

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