The Genna Effect

Become Unstoppable! What’s Holding You Back?

Are you ready to unleash your inner power and take control of your life? Look no further than The Genna Effect podcast hosted by renowned psychic therapist, medium, and author Vincent Genna. With over 40 years of experience in the fields of metaphysics, the paranormal, and psychology, Vincent has the tools to help you recognize and overcome any unconscious blocks holding you back from living your best life. Join him as he shares the secrets to developing your consciousness and practices to elevate your life to new heights. Don’t wait start manifesting what you truly desire and put the Law of Attraction to work in your life today with The Genna Effect!

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About the host

Vincent Genna, MSW

Known as the “Visionary of Our Times,” Vincent Genna, MSW is an internationally acclaimed Psychic Therapist, Medium, Spiritual Master, and Author. Vincent has transformed thousands of people’s lives worldwide through his regular dynamic and inspiring radio and television interviews, podcasts, empowering keynote presentations, workshops and classes, and private sessions. His teachings blend his deep and new, thought-provoking, and uncanny insights with science and ancient wisdom that universally resonate within the soul’s knowing. As a spiritual leader and visionary, Vincent raises consciousness to higher levels as he teaches what others have yet to explore and demonstrate. Diving deep into the human psyche, Vincent empowers a quantum leap of understanding to uncover and resolve maladaptive beliefs shielded below the conscious mind that are sabotaging best-laid dreams and desires. His highly evolved skills, healing presence, and compassionate intent to guide people to live their best lives have resulted in him being one of the most sought-after media guest experts and keynote presenters globally.

And now Vincent offers his 40 years of spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological insights in his first book, The Secret That’s Holding You Back by G&D Media. Everyone who experiences Vincent goes home enlightened, energized, and empowered, possessing the key to creating the life of their dreams. This is the Genna Effect!

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