We all need guidance, support and inspiration along our healing journey. Lisa Campion is an internationally recognized author, healer, psychic, and spiritual teacher who specializes in training other healers and also helping people who are on their own healing path. Join the conversation as she discusses topics related to healing like energy medicine, psychic development, quantum healing, recovery from loss and illness, as well as topics that open us up to our spiritual and personal growth. If you are feeling called to your own healing process or to develop your skills as a healer, this is the podcast for you.
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Lisa Campion is a Psychic Counselor and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years of experience. She specializes in training emerging psychics, empaths and healers so that they can fully step into their gifts, since the world needs all the healers that it can get.
She is the author of the best-selling books, The Art of Psychic Reiki, Energy Healing for Empaths and the upcoming books Awakening Your Psychic Abilities and The Psychic Opening Journal.
Lisa started working as a psychic when she was just 19 years old and has conducted well over 15,000 individual sessions. She has been teaching Reiki for over 23 years and has trained thousands of people in Reiki and other energy medicine modalities. She has a host of online Reiki and psychic development courses and is dedicated to helping people open up to their own psychic and healing gifts with ease and grace.