Dropping In with Omega – The Video Series

Watch, learn, heal, and be inspired in conversation with iconic spiritual teachers and social visionaries.

Video Podcasts from Omega! Expand your understanding of your life and the world around you with deep, intimate conversations featuring thought leaders whose work guides millions to their purpose.  Omega Institute is a vibrant center for lifelong learning, spiritual exploration, and community building. With a variety of workshops, retreats, and online learning opportunities, Omega empowers you to cultivate resilience, ignite creativity, and make positive change. Watch for current and upcoming videos from people like: Pema Chodron, Lisa Williams, Rupert Spira, Dan Millman, Jack Kornfield, Gabor and Daniel Mate, and Marisa Peer.

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About the host

Cali Alpert

Dropping In is hosted by Cali Alpert, a three-time Emmy-winning interviewer, storyteller and spiritual explorer with a unique reputation for eliciting vulnerability and deep dialogue from her subjects. Currently she is Director of Digital Media at Omega Institute. Cali has created programming for hosts and networks including Dr. Oz, Jane Pauley, Quincy Jones, Meredith Vieira, E!, NBC, HBO, and VH1. Her interview subjects range from Deepak Chopra to Halle Berry, Marisa Peer to Dr. Gabor Mate, and Demi Moore to Steven Tyler.

Credits: Editing and sound design from Grannell Knox, Jay Galione, and Scott Mueller.

Dropping In Season 1 is hosted by independent radio producer, Karen Michel.

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