Dynamic Healing

Break Free From Pain And Anxiety

While it may seem impossible that you can break free from chronic mental and physical pain after years of suffering and disappointments, learn how your nervous system is the game changer in your pain recovery journey. Welcome to Dynamic Healing with two experts in chronic pain: Dr. David Hanscom and Dr. Les Aria. Learn science-backed Mind-Body skills to rewire your brain. They teach you how the impossible becomes possible as you unlock your body’s ability to heal and break free from chronic pain.

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About the host

David Hanscom

David Hanscom, MD practiced complex orthopedic spine surgery for 32 years. He quit his practice in Seattle, WA to present his insights into solving chronic pain, which evolved from with his own 15-year battle with it. He eventually escaped from the ordeal and discovered that mental pain is the biggest issue. Anxiety is the pain.

His book, Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain systematically presents established treatments for chronic mental and physical pain, which the current medical establishment is overlooking. The self-directed action plan is available at www.thedocjourney.com. It reflects the approaches of hundreds of patients who have escaped from chronic pain.

He recently launched a movement called, “Dynamic Healing” that recognizes the interaction between stress and one’s coping capacity. An overwhelmed person subjected to sustained levels of flight or fight hormones will develop unpleasant symptoms and serious illnesses.

Les Aria

Les Aria, PhD is a pain psychologist, who has been practicing for the past 18 years with Kaiser Permanente Medical Group in Northern California. He served as the Lead Pain Psychologist for Kaiser Northern California to help redesign the chronic pain workshop curriculum to incorporate modern pain science and mindfulness-based practices.

Les is one of the co-founders of RemedyPain.co, an online pain recovery program, and serves as the Chief Science Officer. He is also a board member for Curable, an app designed to help people with chronic pain by addressing the psychology of pain. Les specializes in treating psychophysiological disorders/persistent pain and medically unexplained problems.

His passion for mind-body interventions promotes a unique style to help patients relate differently to their suffering, and thereby shifting them into pain recovery and wellness.

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